Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Back after a long absence

It's been a while.

I know I haven't posted on here in a long time. If I wasn't busy working on my research paper or studying for exams I felt blocked in terms of my cretive work. The summer vacation didn't provide the anticipated relief either. I couldn't bring myself to get done anything CG-related. After all, self-doubt and discouragement are no strangers in the industry. Allan McKay, a genius in the field of VFX recently published an article on the topic. If you can find the time, I recommend you read it, as it has helped me out a lot and I am certain, if you are facing similar issues, you will find it just as useful.

This article and some events in my personal life have pushed me to reconsider targeting a career in CG and I am glad to announce that I am officially back. At present, I have started a study on a piece for architectural visualization. You can find a screenshot below.
Figure 1: the current stage of concepting; blocking in basic shapes

The idea

As you can probably tell, I am going for residential architecture. This is still an early concept and I might actually end up switching a lot of it around, as I always do, however, my mind is generally set on a modern tenement in the hills, creating contrast. Another key element for me is to make sure that there is a sufficient amount of light in the building that can, if required, be dimmed. In the current stage of concepting it has become very clear that a lack of light is not going to be an issue. As far as the use of props goes I might actually revisit some of my older pieces of furniture I have modelled over the course of my learning process. There really is no need to model assets from scratch when you are free to choose from several older pieces of yours. As long as you deem them good enough, that is. The third and last key aspect of the design is the mix of symmetric and asymmetric elements.It makes the entire residence seem less organized and more organic, all the while maintaining a certain contemporary style, being composed of very basic shapes.

That should be all for today, however I will make sure I keep you updated on the process of this project.
I've been thinking about ending this article with something corny, so suffice it to say:
Do what you love, it'll make your life infinitely better.


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